An Awkward Reality - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Tuesday 20 June 2017

An Awkward Reality

Things I Learned Today: June 09, 2017:-

  1. That amazing moment when you come across an honest person. (P.S. A tea shop owner.)
  2. You must have an adequate amount of sleep daily. (Lesson Credits: Sumit Sir)
  3. People will not teach you, but you will have to make efforts to learn by yourself. (P.S. Learning via Digital Unlocked.)
  4. When you are in a learning zone, feel free to ask queries 100+ times but when I will assign you a work or you will be working on something, never come to ask me anything, I won't tell you anything. Because if you do by yourself, you may fail, if you try once again, you may fail again but one day you will crack the problem and that's how you will grow. (Lesson Credits: Ishant Sir)
  5. That awkward moment when somebody tells you something which even you don't know about yourself. (P.S. A conversation with Amanpreet Mam)
  6. Willingness to learn is one thing but being genuinely interested in someone or their life is a different thing. (P.S. A conversation with Amanpreet Mam)
  7. Do what you love to do, people will respect you for the same. (P.S. Diljit's example shared by Amanpreet Mam )
  8. People may try to find errors, but sometimes, they fail to do so just because of incomplete knowledge or awareness. (P.S. Anirudh, a stranger in a bus mentioned about Him vs Her.)
  9. That Awkward moment when people make pre-mature judgements without actually asking the concerned person. (P.S. A person did not ask a girl to sit at a vacant seat.)

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