04-March-2016 - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Wednesday 9 March 2016


Things I Learned On March 04, 2016:-
- Sometimes, its quite easy to determine the loyalty of a person by simply looking into his eyes. (C.H. Owner)
- That awkward moment when you change your thought just because of lack of money.
- When nothing goes wrong. Just let it be. Everything will prove to be right.
- Sometimes, we focus too much on one thing that we forget the other opportunities available.
- You cannot ask anyone else to fulfill your dreams on your behalf, you have to do them by yourself.

At the beginning of the day, I had planned various tasks to do.
First and foremost, I went to apply for driving  license. Then I went to some shops to compare prices to purchase new PC. But having after visiting shops, I realized they were quite costly so I dropped the idea of purchasing new PC and get the old one upgraded instead.
The owner of one of the shops was so diplomatic in his answers that it was quite easy to decide what was wrong what was right.
But on the other hand, I was so glad that I finally purchased 1TB hard disk which I wanted to get since October 2014. On this day, I realized that you cannot ask anyone else to fulfill your dreams on your behalf, you have to do them by yourself.

Thank you for reading.

Keep Learning :-)
Keep Sharing :-)
Keep Smiling :-)

Thanks & Regards
Rohit Sood

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