Punjab Literary Fest. - Rohit Sood

Anti-Social Media Challenge

Sunday 30 April 2017

Punjab Literary Fest.

Punjab Literary Fest.

#Things_I_Learned_Today  (April 22, 2017):-

1.      The problem which I faced in the past was supposed to be solved in past. If I couldn't solve it then. There is no point in thinking about it at present.
2.      There are two ways: a) Learn a lesson and share it with others, b) Learn a lesson and implement it on yourself and set examples for others.
3.      Sharing a lesson is not enough if you are not certain whether the person who have learned it, has actually applied in his/her life.
4.      To build your character, start implementing the lessons you learn.
Thanks to Likhit Sir for the above lessons.
5.      If anybody asks you to do something, do it if you can but don’t let them tell you how to do it.
6.      Create yourself in such a way that the company is in need of you. (Lesson Credits: Supernova Ma’am)
7.      The concept of stage makeup.
8.      Trial and error method is applied in our real life also. (Lesson Credits: Supernova Ma’am)
9.      Have ‘I have a solution’ approach in your life.
10.  Give your speech only when you are sure that Audience has kept its attention towards you. (Lesson Credits: Manjeet at Punjab Literary Fest)
11.  Internet is a bad addiction. (Lesson Credits: Arjun Baba Sandhu)
12.  That one moment when you hit the reality. (P.S. Internet vs Published Content)

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